Friday, July 13, 2007

A Quiet Find For Whales

"Bill, looking into your lopsided breast isn't the best thing in the world for me right now and I mean that."  She slapped away his noodle limp fist before it could hit her, sending waves throughout the water bed as she stood, rising above him in perfect balance. His reaction was as predictable as the humiliation was numbing. "Fuck you-- and your ceiling!" He said looking up at her, weeping slightly onto his naked belly. He felt himself drowning.

  Bill caught a view of the lawn below through the open bedroom window, observing the celebration that took place beyond her thigh. All those people destroying his grass, littering his former home. Easter was never supposed to be an option for him; it was stipulated and agreed upon. But, how did he fool himself back into this house that cared only for his resourcefulness as a court ordered cash cow, never as father or lover. Bill, controlled by his lonely nature, raised his arms to wrap around his ex wife's waist in a pitiful gesture of apology- when it hit him:
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"Oh my Goodness." he whispered. The goddamn whale would live. It would work! After four years, an irrefutable cure for the one animal on earth that had no ill ambition to sling at the half naked scientist. Bill thought of his Revelation as divinity loaning itself as a gift to the great beast for the escape it provided him, and for the struggling department he helmed that certainly would now stay afloat in the funds the cure would garner. His extended arms were still before him and felt the warm light upon their aged skin absorb. Looking down at the changing man, she saw his eyes and face glaze in a calm.
But what was it worth now? kneeling in a wobble before an ungrateful ex whom he had fought so diligently to befriend; albeit as a guise to eventually resotring himself in this home. The boys? A doltish consideration for the person he was. Her kids never would have mattered. All ambition for the mediocre life as "friend to the family" withered like a leech with nothing to nourish on. The pain of being owner to a love that would never be nurtured found a dark corner in him to hide away and be forgotten. He was blind to the woman. His mind swam with figures and formulas all around the magnificence he had been struck by when first looking into the eyes of the dying blue whale.

  He made peace with what the next few minutes would scar into his life and spoke to his ex with a finality both had never heard, "One day you'll catch yourself and see what it is to be around you. I only feel sorry that you won't have the same option as everyone will one day consider." He spit on her feet and left the room in three steps, ending 43 years with a slam of the door that muffled her laughter. 'This fish better give a fuck' he thought jogging shirtless and free along the cluttered driveway that led to his modest car. The tears on his belly now drying to the cool spring air.

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